Getting Started With Google Analytics 360

Getting Started With Google Analytics 360

Getting Started With Google Analytics 360


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Getting Started With Google Analytics 360
Course Overview

Getting Started With Google Analytics 360 walks you through how you can take advantage of the enterprise-level features you gain from Analytics 360. You’ll learn about advanced features such as Roll-Up Reporting, Custom Funnels, Unsampled Reports, and Custom Tables. You’ll also gain insight into how you can benefit from reporting with BigQuery and native integrations with Google Marketing Platform products and Google Ad Manager.

Throughout the course, we’ll provide you with real-world examples to illustrate how you can leverage Analytics 360’s features and integrations to drive performance and achieve your business goals. If you’re new to Google Analytics, you should first complete Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics on Analytics Academy.

This course covers Google Analytics 360 primarily for measuring website traffic. To learn about new capabilities that bring app and web analytics together, visit Analytics Help.

Unit 1: Introducing Google Analytics 360

Lesson 1: Benefits of Analytics 360
Lesson 2: Roll-Up Reporting
Lesson 3: Custom Funnels
Lesson 4: Unsampled Reports and Custom Tables
Unit 2: BigQuery/GA360 integration

Lesson 1: Reporting with BigQuery
Lesson 2: Getting started with BigQuery/GA360 integration
Unit 3: Google Marketing Platform/GA360 integrations

Lesson 1: Google Marketing Platform integrations
Lesson 2: Comparing GA and CM attribution models
Lesson 3: Understanding key metrics
Unit 4: Campaign Manager/GA360 integration

Lesson 1: Campaign Manager reporting integration
Lesson 2: CM Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
Lesson 3: CM/GA360 Use Case and Setup
Unit 5: Display & Video 360/GA360 integration

Lesson 1: Display & Video 360 reporting integration
Lesson 2: DV360 Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
Lesson 3: DV360/GA360 Remarketing and Setup
Unit 6: Search Ads 360/GA360 integration

Lesson 1: Search Ads 360 reporting integration
Lesson 2: SA360 Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
Lesson 3: SA360/GA360 Setup
Lesson 4: Course Summary
Unit 7: Google Ad Manager/GA360 integration (OPTIONAL)

Lesson 1: Google Ad Manager reporting integration
Lesson 2: Using Custom Reports and Audiences with Ad Manager
Lesson 3: Ad Manager/GA360 Setup