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Love Local

We’re helping local businesses come back stronger than ever by turning their payments into a marketing machine.

Collect payments and customer contacts seamlessly.

In this environment, reaching customers is essential. With Fivestars, every sale adds a customer to your database.

Reach more customers directly on their mobile phone.

Keep your business top-of-mind with texts, emails, and more. Fivestars is 10X more effective than traditional marketing.

Tap into our network of 60 million people who shop local.

Did you know 1 in 6 Americans use Fivestars? Get discovered by millions of shoppers in our network of 14,000 businesses.

Enjoy peace of mind with our flexible pricing options.

We know money’s tight – join Fivestars for as low as $0/month. Month-to-month contracts are also available.

Supporting local businesses

Over 60 million people use Fivestars to shop at and support the local businesses that make their communities great.