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Free 500,000 Reach

HeadTalker gives you a free boost to kick things off. It is important your HeadTalker has early success. Get 500,000 free social reach simply by starting a HeadTalker. This is our way of saying thank you!

Message Analytics

Analytics are important to track the success of your message. Track visits and unique visitors through our powerful analytics dashboard. See what countries your HeadTalker message is getting shared in.

HeadTalker Updates

It’s important to keep your supporters updated on what’s happening during your HeadTalker campaign. That’s why you can post as many updates as you want! This will enagage supporters!

Custom Supporter Goal

You are in full control of your own HeadTalker supporter goal. You can always pass your goal or change it if you feel you set your goal too high. This will allow you to increase your chances of success.

Supporter Dashboard

The supporter dashboard allows you to see more detailed information about your supporters. Easily search, sort, and gain key insights on your supporters. Figure out ways to further grow your campaign.

Fast Approvals

Speed is crucial to your HeadTalker campaign’s success. That’s why we approve HeadTalker campaigns in less than 1-2 hours to make sure you can get your supporters as fast as possible to help take your message viral.