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Meet Infer: An AI-Powered Crystal Ball for Sales and Marketing!

Lead Scoring That Actually Works

What Is Your Data Trying To Tell You?

AI Has The Answers

The modern buyer isn’t easy to get on the phone, but they’re leaving a digital trail of as many as 700 signals that – if only you could decode them – can tell you if they’re a great prospect.

But to fully understand your buyer, you’d need to comprehend how 700 signals interact, a number so big it’s more than 3x the number of stars in the universe.

That’s not a job for human brains and spreadsheets.

Enter Infer, an AI-powered lead scoring solution that uses thousands of data points in our proprietary database to tell you who’s in the market and how likely they are to buy in the next 3 weeks.

Let us show you how Infer cuts through the uncertainty and gives your sales and marketing teams the intelligence they need to grow revenue.

Give Your Sales And Marketing Team An AI-Powered Crystal Ball

Wouldn’t you like to instantly make your sales team 40% more productive?

With Infer, we give you perfect clarity on who they should call and when. Even better, we tell you which leads you should never call and who belongs in nurture.