

from $15
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Turn to-do lists into daily work plans
Personal Tasks

A separate task list on the side for your personal tasks, and for your eyes only.


Divide up a large task into easily digestible chunks to better track your progress.

Task Broadcasting

What are you working on, right now? Start any task and time-tracking kicks in. At the same time it also starts broadcasting what you’re working on, so no more guessing from teammates.

Floating Start Dates

You can set tentative start dates, and if you don’t start them, they’ll rollover into the next day.

Time Tracking Widget

Start a task and you’ll instantly see our time tracking widget. Start, pause, start another task and check how much time you took.

Urgent and Low Priority Tasks

A new task came in and you need someone in your team to drop everything and work on it? Mark it as urgent and they’ll get an immediate alert.

Task planned duration

Tasks can be planned in 30 minute slots to match the popular Pomodoro technique. Add smaller tasks in the subtask section, and get a timestamp when each one is checked off.

Email Notifications

Our daily email digest hits your inbox everyday at 7AM. Urgent task requests are sent immediately. These notifications can be unsubscribed and re-subscribed anytime.


Work with confidence. Everything you delete will go to the Deleted items page and can be recovered anytime.

Easy file Upload

Choose one or more files and drag and drop. The upload widget keeps track of the progress and checks if the file arrived safely.