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Your workflows, structured & smarter

Try the customisable work management solution leaders trust and employees love working on.

Tighter collaboration for greater durability

Clearly defined roles and a custom tool fitted to how your team works best will help improve delivery time, effectiveness and relationships.

Easy admin

Granular admin capabilities let you control who has access to your Podio workspaces and the ability to quickly make adjustments.

Fast communication

Bring your clients, freelancers and other external parties into Podio for free and eliminate lengthy email threads and time-consuming file sharing.

Custom structure

Tailoring your processes to accommodate every step and stage that’s unique to your team ensures efficiency and effectiveness, in one place.

Dependability you can trust to run your business

Podio’s stability (99.99% uptime last year) and intuitive interface makes deployment straightforward. And as part of Citrix, we adhere to the most rigorous security standards.