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Get your pricing right by tracking your competition online

Track, match and monitor your competitors prices

Skuuudle gives you the confidence to make winning pricing decisions.


Data Collection

Skuuudle collects competitor data from any source and location at your desired frequency, reacting immediately to obstacles like websites changing.


Product Matching

Skuuudle can automatically link identical or similar competitor products at scale to provide visibility across your whole assortment and market.


Quality Control

You can trust every data point delivered by Skuuudle thanks to our AI-supported human quality team. No fake competitor prices or inaccurate matches.


Easy-to-use Analytics

Actionable insight on demand via our dashboard. Identify overpriced products, opportunities for price increases and long-term trends.



Skuuudle does not require any installation or infrastructure on-premises. You can access our portal via computer, tablet and mobile.


First Class Support

Competitive intelligence is a sensitive, strategic topic. Skuuudle is a trusted partner to our clients, providing expert advice and personalised support.