Affiliate Marketing Brick by Brick

Affiliate Marketing Brick by Brick
Affiliate Marketing Brick by Brick
How i made $10,000 in affiliate sales in 6 months
Are you looking for another way to make extra money from your phone?
Are you interested in affiliate marketing or just getting started?
Are you sick of your 9-5 job?
Do you need a way to make money while you sleep?
Do you feel like you’re worth more than what you’re getting paid at your job?
Do you like helping people level up?
Are you an affiliate marketer now but struggling to get sales?
Or are you just wanting to learn more knowledge on affiliate marketing to get better?
If you answered yes to all or most of those questions, hear me out.
In December 2020 I started my affiliate marketing journey looking for a new way to bring in extra income. I never knew that my side hustle would turn into my purpose.
My first month with no courses to guide me, in December 2020 I did $240.
After that I invested in my knowledge and grabbed a few different affiliate marketing courses and picked up valuable gems from some solid players in the game.
It always pays off when you invest in yourself!!
January- $1132
February- $1477
March- $1682
April- $4016
May- $2963
June- $4239
Investing in your knowledge and courses speed up your learning curve!!
It’s safe to say that affiliate marketing has changed my life and has given me a new found purpose to show folks another way to make money online by helping people level up on their knowledge and income. There’s no better feeling knowing you can get paid by helping someone, and even better you can do it all from your phone. Now, I want to share my experience and gems with all of you to help change some lives!!
Affiliate Marketing in simple terms is you just marketing someone else’s course/service for a commission of anywhere from 50-75% when you sell their course/service. You are just connecting the dots to the sale with your affiliate link.
This course will be an overview on Affiliate Marketing as a whole going over…
🧱What it is
🧱How to start
🧱How it works
🧱How you get affiliate links
🧱How you get paid
🧱How to market your services and value
🧱How to find action and potential customers
🧱How to sell in the DMs
🧱How to overcome objections
🧱Branding & Presentation
🧱How to grow your following
🧱Social Proof and More…
You will also learn how I was able to start and scale to $10,000+ in Affiliate Sales in 6 months with a small following on Twitter and Instagram. This course works for you even if you are a course creator as well. I use the same methods for both affiliate sales and course sales.
I will go over…
🧱My story & background
🧱My results
🧱My Facebook strategies
🧱My Instagram strategies
🧱My Twitter strategies
🧱Email marketing strategies
🧱After the sale strategies
🧱All my other tips & tricks I do all from my iPhone!!