Artificial Intelligence for Email Marketers

Artificial Intelligence for Email Marketers

Artificial Intelligence for Email Marketers


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Artificial Intelligence for Email Marketers

Boost your email marketing with AI in Marketing Cloud.

Segment with Einstein Engagement Scoring

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Activate Einstein Engagement Scoring.
Identify engagement personas.
Establish persona-based campaigns.
Use Einstein Splits in Journey Builder.
Automate with Einstein Content Tagging and Selection

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Activate and use Einstein Content Tagging.
Create an Einstein Content Selection content block.
Personalize with Einstein Recommendations

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Identify the steps needed to implement Einstein Recommendations.
Prepare and upload your recommendations catalog.
Install the Collect Tracking Code.
Refine Your Recommendations for Email and Web

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Create standard data extensions for segmenting.
Build templates for Email and Web Recommendations.
Preview rule manager and reporting tools.
Test with Einstein Frequency and Send Time Optimization

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

Analyze email send performance using Einstein features.
Configure Einstein Engagement Frequency.
Use Send Time Optimization in Journey Builder.