Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert

Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert

Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert


from $495


Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert

What You’ll Learn In This Course

8-Step Optimization Cycle

Learn each step of the process for optimizing the conversion rate for your website or even a specific page. Once you understand how to intentionally increase the number of conversions, you will be able to truly “move the needle” in your business.

When to Split Test

Discover when a split test is necessary or not using simple math. Once you decipher if you have enough conversions per variant, per day, you will be able to reach a reliable conclusion and avoid wasted time or resources.

3 (More) Optimization Tactics

Besides split-testing, there are three other, often simpler and more lucrative, conversion rate optimization tactics. Learn how to set up user surveys, session recordings and heatmaps to track traffic on your website and certain pages.

Identify Critical Pages

Identify which pages on your website should be immediately optimized for increased conversion rates. You’ll be shocked to see that these pages aren’t what you initially expect, but we’ll show you how and why these specific pages are most effective.

What You’ll Get:

When you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • The Optimization & Testing Mastery Course
  • 7 Core Modules
  • 40 Video Lessons
  • 9 Handouts
  • 7 Quizzes (one for each module)

Plus, upon successful completing of the course and all exams you will also receive: