Content Strategy & SEO

Content Strategy & SEO

Content Strategy & SEO


from $1
  • Free Trial


Become great at Content Strategy & SEO for lead generation

Develop a world class content marketing program

Learn to plan, execute and measure a successful B2B content strategy.

In just 6 sessions, you’ll be able to
Align topics and formats with the information needs of your audience
Research keyphrases and search optimize your content
Find and collaborate with relevant influencers
Maximize your email list growth, open rates and click through rates
Produce higher quality content in less time by repurposing
Measure and optimize for better traffic (and more conversions) on the next go round

We’ll analyze the birth of a lead, deconstructing each page in the process and each stage in the funnel. You’ll learn how to strengthen each stage, from the high-ranking blog post to the thank you page after the thank you page.

Why you need this course

Content. It’s why they visit and why they convert (or don’t). Content is part of every step in your funnel. From the first keyphrase to the final conversion, this masterclass connects every dot. Your content is a bridge between a Google search results page and your website’s thank you page.

With this course you will learn to figure out:

Who are we talking to? Why do they care?
What are the two types of keyphrases? What pages target which type?
How do you build links, authority and ranking potential?
What do we publish? And how will it be promoted?
What topics, formats and collaborators support lead generation?
Who this course is for

If you like to cross channels and combine tactics, if you love both making and measuring things, this course is designed for you.

Content strategy doesn’t require big budgets, but it does take time. You will dominate your competition slowly, patiently. You will win the loyalty of your audience one keyphrase, link, and subscriber at a time.

Once complete, you’ll own a platform that consistently generates high quality leads. You will have the skills and mindset of a content strategist with a clear understanding of how to generate awareness, demand and revenue through content.