Create Exceptional Customer Service Experiences

Create Exceptional Customer Service Experiences

Create Exceptional Customer Service Experiences


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Create Exceptional Customer Service Experiences

Discover how to create exceptional customer service experiences at any stage in business. Taught by Mat Patterson, Customer Service Evangelist at Help Scout you’ll practical tips to help you make customer service a competitive advantage.

What makes exceptional customer service
How to hire people to support you with customer service
Helpful tools and systems to scale your support team
Module 1: The Value of Customer Service to Your Business

Lesson 1: Why Customer Service Matters in Ecommerce

Lesson 2: What Makes Exceptional Customer Service

Lesson 3: Why You Don’t Need a Help Desk for Great Support

01 |Module 2: Creating a Customer Service Team

Lesson 1: Define Your Level of Service

Lesson 2: Helpful Tools and Systems to Support Your Team and Customers

02 |Module 3: Optimizing Your Customer Service Processes for Growth

Lesson 1: Scaling Customer Support for Growth

Lesson 2: A Formula for Bringing on Customer Service Staff

Lesson 3: Metrics and Reporting