The Online Marketing Crash Course: Traffic, Leads & Clients

The Online Marketing Crash Course: Traffic, Leads & Clients

The Online Marketing Crash Course: Traffic, Leads & Clients


from $14.99


The Online Marketing Crash Course: Traffic, Leads & Clients

Launch a great small business website site, reach your audience, produce great content with this awesome course

Be a better marketer and Learn more in the next 30 days than most small business owners will ever know

Dear small business owners and bloggers,

Do you struggle to find the time, money and expertise required for success in online marketing?

If you’re like me, your inbox is flooded with marketing messages, spanning every imaginable topic: SEO, social media, blogging, copywriting, web design, etc. You may be also getting bombarded with offers, webinars, courses and videos, all pointing you to the next “bright shiny object”, trick and tactic that promises to double your traffic overnight. Yuck!

While there are many great, trusted online marketing resources out there, most of us feel like we’re constantly gathering pieces of a ginormous jigsaw puzzle. What you really need is the puzzle itself!

The 30-Day Online Marketing Crash Course is super-simple, “geek-free” blueprint that walks you through proven, actionable steps to establish the right foundation for online success.

What you’ll learn

  • Get more leads and customers using a proven, foolproof strategy
  • Over 3 hours of unique and powerful marketing content
  • Simple to follow 30-Day Action Plan provided
  • Implement a simple online marketing plan that works
  • Reach your audience everywhere they hang out online
  • Launch a simple but powerful WordPress website
  • Create killer content and syndicate it across the web
  • Write simple and compelling blog posts
  • Create super engaging online videos

Who this course is for:

  • Small business owners looking for more traffic and customers online
  • Bloggers looking for a clear-cut content marketing strategy