
A-Z Data Management for Amazon Stores
The opportunity for selling on Amazon is huge, and both getting started with as well maintaining a well-optimized Amazon Store is easier than you think.
Amazon Listing Optimization Services
The Traditional WayBlack Arrow
The Data4Amazon Way
The Traditional WayMultiple listings for variations of the same productMisspelled Terms (e.g. Product type “Shirt” – misspelled as “Shrit”)Inconsistent Product Data (Incorrect, duplicate and conflicting product information)Product Title longer than 80 characters with no keywordsIncomplete Product ListingsMiscategorization (e.g. Men’s shirt under Women’s section)Small Image Size & Poor Quality (which may result into suppressed listings)Features / Bullet Points missingProduct Description plagiarized from the manufacturer’s siteHigher Price than that of competitor for the same article
There is a direct cost to poor product data. If your users can not find the information they need, they may exit to another website that provides it, leading to lost revenue and unfavorable testimony for your business.