
Why we started our content marketing agency
In 2015, I joined the company ThinkApps as the first marketing hire and fourth employee, and was tasked with growing the business. After doing some research on the industry, I realized that there was a huge opportunity to grow the business with content marketing being that no other software development company was doing a great job at it.

I had two options for how to approach content marketing – I could either build out a content operation in-house or I could hire a content marketing agency. My first instinct was to hire an agency because, as the only marketer in the company, I wanted to hire someone to take over this channel so I could focus on other areas of marketing.

I started doing research on different content marketing agencies, and to my surprise, I couldn’t find a service that did what I needed. I wanted an agency that would produce content and own results – ie. create content, drive traffic to it, and report on conversions. However, after talking to over 10 agencies, I realized that they were mostly all glorified writing services.

Most agencies out there said they were “full-service” or “done-for-you,” but they wouldn’t own results or measure them. Most of the content marketing agencies produced X number of articles per month and came up with some pre-written social updates for promotion, but none of the ones I spoke to could promise any traffic metrics or results.

After spending over a month researching different solutions, I opted to build my content operation in-house because no agencies offered the service I needed. In 6 months, I built out a team and grew the blog from 0-35,000 monthly users, and our blog became the biggest source of leads for the company.

When we started our agency, we created the service that I always wanted – a fully-done-for-you content marketing service. Meaning that you could hire us to own and run your content marketing. We’d not only produce content, but we’d drive traffic to the content we produce with the goal of creating conversions (leads, signups, and ultimately customers) for the business. We’re held accountable to not only a set amount of deliverables that we produce each month, but more importantly the results we deliver.

In our view, that’s how an agency should be. We should strive to outperform what any other agency or in-house hire could do, and deliver better results month over month.

Here’s a case study that shows how we approach content marketing for some of our clients and the results we’ve been able to produce:

How We Built a Unique Content Strategy for 4 of our Clients