Puja R.
Puja R.
Namaste!! ๐
Welcome to my profile.
You can find the details of the service offerings right at the segment divisions, and complete work methods, output, details in the Portfolio section below. ๐
I am open to diversified projects, both for research and transcript. ๐
After various unhealthy experiences, for security purposes, below are some policies which we both need to compile to have a healthy work association:
1. 80% of the payment needs to be done before the submission of the final file. I always share the Work in Progress file, multiple times to ensure that the work remains on the right track and you remain aware of the job progress. Therefore, with each approved WIP file, the milestone needs to be cleared.
2. I can’t emphasize the importance of feedback for us, as it hugely impacts our JSS score, therefore, kindly, do not become a ghost soon after receiving the final file. Do leave back feedback.
There cannot be any negotiation for these two points. You are getting your work done in the best way, therefore, I need to make my feedback and payment methods ensured too.
I really appreciate your co-operation.
Happy Hiring ๐ Looking forward to connecting with you. ๐
Best Regards,
Puja Ramuka