Vinicius C.


Vinicius Covas is a Master in the art of Marketing and brand creation. Has helped hundreds of the largest and most influential companies and businesses in the Americas and Eurasia, designing highly workable growth strategies taking such companies to the next level.

He is a Brazilian journalist, a Master in Managing Entertainment Companies (Strategic Marketing and Communication background), Ph.D in Communications and Strategy Wizard.

Vinicius Covas is an international speaker, a TED talker and focuses in speaking about digital journalism, entrepreneurship, public relations, branding, marketing strategies, innovation and educational technology. He is a growth hacker by heart and is completely committed to helping companies grow through immaculate marketing/communication strategies well implemented and executed.

Also, revista VEJA, one the most important publications in Brazil, recognized Vinicius Covas as one of the most inspiring young talents in Brazil.

Vinicius Covas is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese and is available to evaluate proposals from companies worldwide.