
Xingu, like the Amazon tribe that lives on the banks of the river of the same name, a tributary of the Amazon River. It was 2017 when a group of experienced digital entrepreneurs joined forces to finance the idea of launching an agency 100% focused on Amazon in Italy. The Co-Founder and current CEO of Xingu, Mattia Stuani and Hideki Yamamoto (CTO) together with Andrea Febbraio (Chairman) were among the first to believe in the opportunity to fill a strong need of Brands to provide highly specialised services to extricate themselves in the Amazon Jungle. Today Xingu is a company formed by a team of specialists and passionate about its ever-expanding work

Amazon plays a key role in the world, both in terms of brand visibility and in terms of sales thanks to unparalleled growth trends. However, the objective importance of Amazon is accompanied by a high level of management and strategy complexity. Thanks to the specialisation and its own technological tools, Xingu wants to be the keystone to reach the success of its customers through a supervision and advanced optimisation techniques, a result of its vast experience of case studies on an international scale.