

from $39
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Create and
run an internal
company blog.
Share internal news and knowledge, improve team communication, and boost company culture.

Why start an
internal company blog.

Share news
and spread knowledge
Keep everyone in your company up-to-date by sharing internal news, announcements, project updates, reports, meeting notes, and the company’s internal knowledge. BlogIn enables you to group relevant information into a single post and allows timely feedback from your team.

Create a more
connected workspace
Your internal blog quickly becomes a digital storeroom of your company’s knowledge, achievements and work history. It helps newcomers onboard faster while keeping the veterans up-to-date. BlogIn creates a more connected workspace and a timeline of your collective experience.

Keep everyone
on the same page
Remove the barriers between departments or teams on different geographical locations. Your internal blog quickly becomes the central information hub everyone has access to. Know what your co-workers are working on and give them a pat on the back and support your company’s cultural values.

Slack is
awesome, but…
… it’s not meant to be used for storing long-form content. Make no mistake, we love Slack (for which we have an integration) but it is more suited for live chat or quick, short conversations. BlogIn, however, allows you to organize, store, and share long-form and long-impact knowledge.

company expertise
BlogIn is the inventory of your company’s expertise and a searchable knowledge base available to all employees, all the time. The more informed your employees are, the better they can perform their jobs, which leads to a more productive workforce. The centralized knowledge sharing platform helps everyone make faster and smarter decisions.

means safe & secure
All published content is only available to members of the blog. All server communication is protected by SSL encryption protocol, with the added security of regular data backups. Payments are handled through our authorized retailer, which has PCI Compliance Level 1 一 the highest level certification possible.