The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing
by Charles Ngo
Think about how the average person wakes up every morning.
I remember waking up at 6am every morning to an annoying alarm clock. It was a struggle every morning to get up.
When I finally woke up, I had to rush through my morning routine just so I could spend an hour stuck in traffic.
I felt like I was trading the prime years of my life away to make someone else richer. What sucked is everyone told me this is normal, and that I should be grateful I even had a job. Wow…is it just me or does everyone have low expectations in life?
Have you ever felt there’s more to life than just working and paying bills, but you just don’t know what options are out there?
9 to 5 is how you survive, I ain’t tryna survive. I’m tryna live it to the limit and love it a lot — Jay-Z
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Get the Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing in a PDF
Imagine waking up…naturally…when your body tells you to.
Your “commute” consists of putting some clothes on (that’s optional), and walking a few feet away to your laptop.
You log into a website that shows you made hundreds or even thousands of dollars over night.
How’s that possible? It’s the life I’ve been living for the past decade.
Keep reading and I’ll show you how.
affiliate marketing machine
IT’S 2018
It seems like everyone’s getting rich off the internet.
You hear about YouTubers pulling in 7-figures a year. Another 20 year old nerd makes a billion dollars off a startup.
rich youtubers
You’re wondering… ”How can I get a piece of the action?”
I want to tell you about an underground industry called affiliate marketing.
Have you ever noticed advertising banners whenever you’re surfing a website? Yea I know, sometimes they can be a little annoying :-).
But have you ever wondered what’s going on behind the scenes?
affiliate ads
Chances are that an affiliate marketer’s behind it.
Here’s the big picture of what an affiliate marketer does.
We buy banner space on websites using our own money.
We built a website that promotes another company’s product or service.
The company pays us a commission every time we make a sale.
We pocket the difference between the commission and how much we paid for the banner space.
Affiliate marketers help companies acquire customers and get paid a commission for each referral.
There are tons of business models online. Here’s why affiliate marketing is awesome.
You don’t hold any inventory. No need to stuff boxes in the corner of your garage.
You don’t have to sign any contracts. Don’t feel like working with a company anymore? Just stop.
You don’t have to deal with customers. Ever.
You can work from anywhere in the world. (I spent 3 years living overseas in Asia while running my campaigns).
It’s great if you’re an introvert because everything’s done from behind your laptop. You don’t have to go on client meetings, conferences, or put yourself out there if you don’t want to.
You can make tons of money. Generating 4 – 5 figures profit+ a day is not unheard of.
You just focus on marketing.
The affiliate marketing industry is ripe with opportunity and it’s not too late for you to get a piece of it.
affiliate marketing course for newbies
I know how overwhelming it can be to try to learn affiliate marketing.
One person’s telling you this thing. Another “expert” is telling you the exact opposite. On top of that they’re using all these words you’ve never heard of before.
There’s so much information out there and you’re not sure if what you’re learning is outdated or even wrong.
It’s frustrating isn’t it?
I’ve been blogging about affiliate marketing for almost 5 years now, and I’m 250+ articles deep at this point. I’m always trying to add more value to you guys and I realized I needed to create a master affiliate marketing course.
A simple guide that broke everything down into a step by step system. This guide is it.
Trust me, this affiliate marketing guide wasn’t easy to create.
It took me and my team several hundred hours to create the content, and I’ve invested over 5-figures to create the beautiful platform you’re seeing.
We took feedback from hundreds of people in order to improve the guide.
This guide is truly next level, and I decided to give it away 100% free.
No catch.