Automate Your Customer Onboarding Experience

Automate Your Customer Onboarding Experience
Automate Your Customer Onboarding Experience
In This Workshop, You’ll Create a Clear Campaign That Converts Your New Customers Into Raving Fans of Your Brand…All While Saving Your Most Valuable Asset: Time
What We’ll Create Together
You’ll work directly with marketing automation expert & CEO of SixthDivision, Brad Martineau, to create a concrete strategy that will take your new customers and clients from initial purchase to repeat buyers of your products or services… All while you sleep.
Using Brad’s methods, you’ll…
Build & implement a revolutionary new customer onboarding experience that will change the trajectory of your clients’ relationship with your brand (AKA: get off on the right foot with your customers so that they keep coming back for more)
Leverage 4 proven, fill-in-the-blank templates to make crafting the perfect onboarding experience as easy as “FILL IN THE BLANK & SEND” (and since it’s all automated, you don’t even have to be there to hit the “SEND” button :wink:)
Develop an understanding of what marketing automation really is (and what it isn’t) and, more importantly, what it can do for every aspect of your business… no matter your industry.
Simplify to MAXIMIZE: Optimize and improve your customer indoctrination and onboarding experience…WITHOUT having to completely start over from scratch (this is key)
Scale your entire business by using this proven automation process to deliver marketing messages, sales messages, and even deliver your products or services… all without you being present.
…By the time we’re finished, you’ll have a fully automated customer onboarding experience that converts your new customers into raving fans of your brands. Here’s a sample of what you’ll receive…
Sign up today, and let’s put your onboarding strategy on “Autopilot”…
What You’ll Learn
High-Impact Strategies You Can Implement For Your Business In Hours…Not Weeks.
The process of building a proper Onboarding experience used to take WEEKS. Luckily, things have changed.
We’ll take you, step-by-step, through the entire process of crafting emails, scripting & recording a welcome video, and optimizing your onboarding process…all in a matter of hours. Not days and certainly not weeks. This workshop is meant to expedite the process of crafting a new customer onboarding campaign and save you valuable time.
What Marketing Automation Really Is (and what it isn’t)…
…and, more importantly, how it can impact every aspect of your business. Just because someone decided to purchase your product or service, doesn’t mean they will automatically come back to give you more of their hard earned cash. You’ll use your new automated onboarding experience to make that happen…over & over again
The Ins and Outs of Marketing Automation…From the Best in the Business
Brad Martineau has grown his company, SixthDivision, into a multi-seven figure marketing automation agency using the exact same processes and templates he’ll teach you in this workshop. By the time you finish this training, you’ll have a fully mapped out onboarding campaign that will not only indoctrinate your new customers to your brand, but keep them coming back for more.
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Instructor: Brad Martineau
Lessons: 4
Length: 6-7 hours
Access: Lifetime Access
Topics Discussed
Client Onboarding
Customer Onboarding
Brad Martineau
CEO – SixthDivision
Brad Spent 7+ years leading the Product Development team at Infusionsoft. Married. Five kids. Collects flat brimmed fitted hats. Love to play basketball. Irons everything he wears. Seriously.
“Once again Brad Martineau raised the bar! Every time I’m around him I feel like I have so far to go.
Thanks to Brad and the DigitalMarketer team for helping me raise my game!” – Omari B.
“Things I accomplished today:
✔️Write a new, optimized onboarding email for new clients (5 min)
✔️Created a “How do I get the most out of this” presentation and slide deck (10 min)
✔️Present these fresh assets in front of an audience to get real live feedback for the onboarding videos I’m going to shoot this week
✔️Created a “Company process and what to expect” resource for new clients presentation and slide deck – which will be an evergreen video (10 min)
✔️Got honest, actionable feedback from freaking Brad Martineau about the way I present and show up on stage as I gear up for my first 2 day LIVE workshop next month (priceless)” – Melina M.
Join this Now for $295
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Deliver a Better Experience & More Value to Your Customers…By Spending Less Time Actually Working
If you ask any serious entrepreneur, business owner, or marketer what they could use “more of” to do their job more effectively, you have a 99.9999999% chance of hearing this one-word answer:
Think about it… No matter your role, time is at a premium in this industry.
Very few marketers have the skills and talent required to sit down and bang out a customer onboarding experience in one shot. It takes time to perfect the copy, the images, the welcome video, and everything else that goes into a successful marketing campaign.
Because that’s exactly what an onboarding experience is: a marketing campaign designed to keep your hottest leads coming back for more of your product or service….And, if done well, can change the trajectory of your business forever.
But often times, that’s not what Marketers spend their time working on.
In fact, most of us spend our time working through menial tasks that could (and should) be automated…
…But figuring out exactly HOW & WHERE to automate these tasks has historically been a struggle.
The thing is…once you figure it out, marketing automation has the power to positively impact literally every single facet of your business…
From Marketing (duh)…
To Sales…
To Customer Retention…
So, how do you do that?
You’ll learn exactly how to do that in this brand new workshop with Marketing Automation expert and Founder of SixthDivision, Brad Martineau.