Brand Engagement

Brand Engagement
Brand Engagement
Are you simply producing content and pitching calls to action to your target audiences? It’s time to start adding emotional experiences to the mix. These kinds of engagements can transform your company and create long-term connections between customers and your brand. Ready to get started?
As marketers, we spend much of our time focused on creating awareness for our brands and moving potential buyers through the funnel. But we also have a powerful opportunity to create the emotional experiences our companies deliver to our audiences. Customers, yes, but also our communities.
There’s a bonus: these experiences leave a stronger, more memorable impression on potential buyers, investors, and employees. That’s where brand engagement comes in.
In this one-hour, interactive course featuring a range of industry experts, we’ll explore the elements of brand engagement and how to build it through immersive experiences and integrated campaigns—from in-person experiential activities to social good initiatives.
1 Define brand engagement and explain its benefits
2 Identify key attributes and steps for creating brand engagement experiences and campaigns
3 Create different kinds of brand engagement experiences and campaigns that support marketing and business goals