Build Dashboards With Google Sheets – Learn how to create interactive dashboards in Google Sheets and take your career to the next level.

Build Dashboards With Google Sheets – Learn how to create interactive dashboards in Google Sheets and take your career to the next level.

Build Dashboards With Google Sheets – Learn how to create interactive dashboards in Google Sheets and take your career to the next level.


Build Dashboards With Google Sheets
Learn how to create interactive dashboards in Google Sheets and take your career to the next level.

Do you spend hours collecting data, wrestling it into the format you need and then updating the same report that no one ever reads?

Or maybe you’re neck deep in data but don’t know how to use it to make sound business and marketing decisions?

Dashboards give you a high-level overview of your business, showing KPIs, trends and data comparisons… so you can use that insight to grow in smart ways.‍

By learning some relatively simple techniques, you can create dashboards that are automated, interactive and visually appealing.

This course will set you up to:

Have the confidence to build your own dashboards with your own datasets
Know what to include in your dashboards to maximize their impact
Have the technical skills to manage advanced dashboard projects without feeling overwhelmed
Create interactive dashboards, so colleagues and clients can view the data they want to see
Understand and use best practices in Google Sheets, to avoid making the same mistakes I made
Be confident using advanced formulas and pivot tables
Use Apps Script to automate processes and make your dashboards work for you!

Each lesson is taught through bite-sized, action-oriented 5 – 10 minute-long videos, covering practical techniques you can apply to your own business.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, showing you the sheet setup, the formulas and the charts we use.

For each example you’ll have all the necessary raw data and formulas, as well as a final, finished template!

I’ve made just about every mistake in the book

Prior to consulting and creating courses, I worked as a forensic accountant, doing investigations into sanctions violations at large financial organizations

I remember the first time I built a dashboard in Excel at work.

After a lot of headaches and frustration, I had created a presentable dashboard that gave our team oversight of whole dataset.

The dashboard wasn’t pretty, and it probably violated dashboard best principles, but it worked. It was dynamic and I clearly remember how cool that was.

However, I had no idea what I was doing. I barely even knew what dashboards were, and I certainly didn’t know there were courses and books out there that could have saved me hours and hours (and resulted in a better end product!).

Seeing the team interact with the dashboard, I realized how valuable solid data and spreadsheet skills were — something we address throughout this course.‍

Fast forward to today

Today I create online courses and write about working with data, with a particular focus on how-to articles for learning data analytics and building dashboards, using Google Sheets, Apps Script and Data Studio.

Since mid-2015, I’ve been working as a freelance spreadsheet developer, data consultant and instructor.

I’ve taught data analysis and visualization courses and workshops at General Assembly’s Washington, D.C., campus and privately for clients.

What are dashboards?

Dashboards are high-level summaries of your organization’s data, displayed side-by-side in a single page to highlight the key metrics and trends at a glance. They’ll help you:

Quickly understand the pulse of your business
Visually summarize key metrics for stakeholders who don’t have time to review the data
See new insights with your data side-by-side
Explore the data with interactive features
Speed up and automate your reporting pipeline

Here’s how you might use dashboards:

Show growth of your website or clients’ websites, by tracking traffic and social media metrics over time.
Understand your business better by collecting and analyzing user data in real-time.
Compare sales data across different time periods, sales channels or geographic regions to get deeper insights into your opportunities.
Measure student attendance and performance to easily see where to allocate resources.
Track and visualize financial data to uncover high- and low-performxing areas of your company, so you can make adjustments going forward.