International SEO training

International SEO training

International SEO training


from $499
  • Annual
  • Free Trial


International SEO training

  • Do your potential customers speak different languages? Up your SEO game to reach all of them
  • Get the insights our SEO experts learned from optimizing the websites of international companies such as Disney and Facebook
  • 2-day online training with 12 hours of quizzes and videos

Do your potential customers speak different languages? Are you selling in countries all over the world? Or are you thinking of expanding your customer base? Then you’ll come across these problems – if you haven’t already:

  • You see visitors landing on the page in the wrong language … and they’re leaving fast
  • You have no idea why one page is getting no visitors, while the version in other languages is doing fine
  • One language version has suddenly dropped in the Google rankings
  • Or maybe even your entire website is tumbling down the search engine results

People come to us with these problems all the time. Because with international SEO, a lot can go wrong. But if you do it right, there’s so much to gain:

  • You don’t sabotage your own rankings by letting pages in different languages compete with each other
  • Visitors enter your site in their language … and they’re staying
  • You don’t get a penalty for duplicate content
  • So instead of losing SEO value, your site is climbing up the search results – in all languages

So how do you do it right? Good question. We couldn’t find any courses that explain this properly. That’s why we created one: the International SEO course. After this online course, you will be able to:

  • Pick the right keywords in different languages so your potential customers can find you
  • Translate SEO copy so that you don’t sabotage your own rankings
  • Pick the right domain structure for your international or multilingual site
  • Make sure Google indexes the correct page for the correct user – by implementing hreflang correctly