Learn How to Use Targeted Advertising to Boost Your Results

Learn How to Use Targeted Advertising to Boost Your Results

Learn How to Use Targeted Advertising to Boost Your Results


Learn How to Use Targeted Advertising to Boost Your Results
FREE Lesson

Across the various advertising platforms, there are three key types of ad targeting, including demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, and contextual targeting. In this lesson, you’ll learn the difference between each of these targeting strategies and understand how they fit into your digital advertising strategy.

What you’ll learn:

Understand the difference between demographic, behavioral, and contextual targeting.
Know which targeting strategy to use based on your campaign goals.
Learn which platforms to use for each ad targeting strategy.

Lesson Details:

4 videos

15 minutes

Lesson Description:
Across the various advertising platforms, there are three key types of ad targeting, including demographic targeting, behavioral targeting, and contextual targeting. In this lesson, you’ll learn the difference between each of these targeting strategies and understand how they fit into your digital advertising strategy.