Technical SEO training

What you will learn:
After the Technical SEO training lessons, you’ll have a solid understanding of the main components of technical SEO. We mainly focus on the crawlability of your site and site-wide SEO. You’ll know exactly how Google functions and how you can bring your site in tip-top shape so the search engine can render and index it without fault. Among other things, you’ll learn all about topics like robots.txt, HTTP headers, site wide crawlability, blocked content, canonical URLs, image optimization and other ways to improve site speed.
1. An introduction to holistic SEO and search engines
It all starts with an overview of how search engines like Google work and how we at Yoast practice holistic SEO. You’ll find out what crawlability means and how this impacts your site and rankings. The goal is to make sure that all of your valuable content is readable for Google so it can index it correctly.
2. What is HTTP?
In this module, you’ll find out what the different protocols, like HTTP, HTTP2 and HTTPS encompass. Joost will also show you what exactly happens when a browser requests a particular site. To round things off, you’ll also discover what HTTP headers and HTTP status codes do and how you can use these to determine issues on your site.
3. What do meta tags do?
Module three shows you all about meta tags; these tags give information about the page to search engines. In this substantial section, Joost dives into the source code of a page to talk about different tags that determine what search engines should do. These include robots.txt, rel=“canonical” and meta robots.
4. Everything you need to know about HTML
HTML is one of the building blocks of a site; it determines how a text is structured and should be rendered by a browser. You’ll learn everything about meta tags, to the importance of correct headings, page hierarchy and a lot more. Joost also shows you how to fix errors that prohibit Google to your site.
5. Optimize site wide crawlability
Module five is all about site wide SEO; decisions you make that influence everything on a site. Plus, you’ll find out how to create SEO-friendly URLs and discover what the importance of XML sitemaps is.
6. Working on server side site speed
Last, but not least: site speed. This critical part of technical SEO impacts everything, from how Google indexes and values your page, to how your visitors experience it. Joost shows you how to evaluate and improve your site speed.
Of course, technical SEO is just one of the pillars of good SEO. That’s why Yoast SEO academy has 9 courses that allow you to improve every aspect of your site!
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