What Are Push Notifications – Grow Your Business Using This Marketing Strategy

What Are Push Notifications – Grow Your Business Using This Marketing Strategy

What Are Push Notifications – Grow Your Business Using This Marketing Strategy


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What Are Push Notifications – Grow Your Business Using This Marketing Strategy

Did you know that about 70% of all ecommerce shopping carts are abandoned each year? That’s about 96 trillion dollars in lost sales annually. So how do you recover the potential lost sales? Push Notifications. A push notification is an instant, personalized way to bring communicate with your customers. Learn from Adam, head of Product Marketing at PushOwl to discover how you can implement modern push notification strategies and tools to help you grow your ecommerce business.

In this course, taught by Adam Walker, you will learn:

How to grow your subscriber base with push notifications
Deep dive into using push notifications help with abandon cart recovery
Customer experience tactics that drive sales using push notifications
Course Overview


Interesting Statistics

What We’ll Cover In the Course

01 |Multichannel Marketing


What is Multichannel Marketing?

How Your Customers Use Channels

How to Gain a Unique Subscriber Base

Why Push Is Ideal for Privacy

Reduce Customer Engagement Costs

Regulated Industries

What are Push Notifications?

How to Subscribe to Push Notifications

Limitations of Push Notifications


02 |Abandoned Cart Recovery


Abandoned Cart Recovery

Why Push is an Important Recovery Channel


03 |Promotional Marketing


What is Promotional Marketing?

Audience Segmentation

Using Push in your Campaigns

How to Write Great Ad Copy

Best Creatives for Push


04 |Customer Experience


What is Customer Experience?

Welcome Notifications

Back in Stock

Price Drop Alerts

Shipping Notifications

05 |Course Wrap-up
