Zero Cost Marketing Strategies:Official Primer Course (NEW)
Zero Cost Marketing Strategies:Official Primer Course (NEW)
Zero Cost Marketing Strategies:Official Primer Course (NEW)
YES… there’s a yellow brick road to proven free marketing success and it starts with this primer. For all niches.
What you’ll learn
COURSE UPDATE! Entire course updated recently. New tools, strategies and content.
You will be introduced to the exciting concept of “Zero Cost Marketing.”
You will explore the challenges and opportunities of zero cost marketing tools and strategies.
We will examine the myths that often surround the “Zero Cost” concept.
We will analyze a typical marketing budget and ponder the ramifications of dropping all costs to zero.
We will weigh the Pros & Cons of marketing tools (beyond the costs) and their effectiveness.
You’ll be introduced to the 25 Categories of Marketing & Business; all of which have multiple zero cost solutions.
You’ll learn 8 specific zero cost marketing tools or strategies: How to build a viral launch page, a zero cost squeeze page, a mobile site, a traffic funnel, an email newsletter list, and more.
You’ll discover where the money is in “Zero” (i.e: the revenue).
You’ll leave this course exhilarated with the possibilities before you. New doors will be opened. And best of all, you will not spend a single penny on anything taught within it.
Who this course is for:
Anyone desiring to reduce marketing costs in any niche.
Small Business Owners, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Marketers, Affiliate Marketers & Marketing Consultants
Anyone marketing any product, service, book, info-product, event, movie or affiliate product.
Anyone seeking high-quality, effective marketing tools at zero cost with limited or “no catches.”
Anyone wanting to learn Internet marketing, Mobile marketing, or Social Media marketing on a limited budget.