Filament Creative

Filament Creative
Filament is Now EY Design Studio
We began 17 years ago without much in the way of anything other than grit, passion and a desire to put great work out in the world. We started in a basement and the only direction to go, quite literally, was up. And up we went.
We weren’t UX. We weren’t full stack. We weren’t product designers.
Those titles didn’t really exists. We were people trying to help organizations solve challenges online. Our natural curiosity allowed us to ask, what if? We had courage enough to say let’s try it. We had persistence enough to move through obstacles, and we did it as a team—finding strength and excellent results through tight collaboration.
As we grew we defined process, figured a few things out, learned what ignited us and what didn’t. We had a lot of firsts and we celebrated success, like a family. We built products that helped millions of people. From finding a parking spot to losing weight and getting fit, we always advocated and designed experiences for the audience. We honed our expertise and built a reputation for being outspoken about the tangible value of design.
We are very excited to be integrating the expertise, process, and capabilities of our experience design work from Filament into EY (Ernst & Young) and building the foundation of the EY Design Studio. In addition to Experience Design work, the EY Design Studio offers a range of digital services, including Blockchain, RPA, IoT, data analytics and software solutions.