Jake S.
Jake S.
Attracting customers is like attracting a mate. You might have a lot to offer, but you need to get their attention first. Beautiful writing gets their attention.
Perfect grammar, although vital, is only a small part of beautiful writing. Style is paramount. With help from some of the best stylists available—novelists—I’ve developed a prose that I’m extremely proud of. My unique blend of proper grammar with a smooth, prosodic style sets me apart from other copywriters.
Make no mistake about it: Successful copywriters are exceptional artists. No other form of writing is so dependent on a refined aesthetic sense. While other writers can entertain their readers with content, copywriters must entertain them with style.
Quality writing—no matter the content—is a joy to read. People appreciate art. People will read your sales copy if they actually enjoy the experience.
You wouldn’t hire a socially awkward salesman. Don’t hire a copywriter who can’t write.