Jon C.
Jon C.
Do you require excellent written content? A highly skilled editor? An incredibly diligent proofreader? Do you want a fast and professional service, combining creativity with the highest level of care and precision?
As a Certified Digital Marketing Professional, I know the importance of making sure your content is accurate, error-free and engaging to the reader. First impressions are everything! I’ll take the time and care to make sure your website, social media, or marketing content will reach its maximum potential… So you can publish it with peace of mind.
I’ve been creating content for the web and social media for over 9 years. My strengths lie in making sure each and every word contributes to creating an experience that truly engages, inspires, and influences your audience.
I’m a native English speaker from the UK. I’ve traveled the world extensively, so I know a thing or two about how to communicate with people from all walks of life!
I get things done efficiently, carefully and with the highest level of professionalism to give you the best version of what you are trying to achieve.
Simply send me a message to say “hi” and tell me what your needs are…
I look forward to contributing to your success.