
Where the craft of marketing meets entrepreneurship.

Marketing Strategy and Branding
We develop your brand identity with you, not for you. Step by step, we work together to transform foggy ideas into a tangible reality. We often use workshops. The process, which participants invariably find fun and is highly effective, and its results are structured and overseen by us.

In most cases, strategy and concept processes are the tasks of managers and facilitators. We — particularly the founder and owner Kristin Reinbach, with her background in management consulting — are well versed in developing processes that dovetail with an organization.

Getting something done once is a success but just the beginning. How can you make sure that many of these processes, of these clients, will be handled successfully? Shall more target groups, languages or a line extension be added? We help you keep your head over water and eat the elephant bite by bite.

Next Level And Scale
Get your business ready for (massive) growth. Sometimes you and your business might have hit a comfortable plateau. Then, however there is still more to be reached, to be tackled—more potential that wants to be fulfilled. We help you break away from the past, refine your legacy and brand for the future. Get your business ready for growth.