Software Associates


Software Associates was started in the year 1991, as a custom software development house. In 2000, we moved to web development, as technical partners to clients in the UK. As an innovation extension of our web development, we started our IoT unit- “WeMakeIoT”, offering IoT solutions development. This helped our customers sense, monitor and control their physical environment and business, easing their lives and enhancing their experience. WeMakeIoT has been into IoT solutions development since May 2014, doing rapid product prototyping, with integrating microcontrollers to the web (to known IoT platforms like AWS IoT, IBM Cloud and to custom platforms) and mobile applications, visualizing, monitoring and triggering actions based on thresholds set. Today, five years later, our firm has gained the experience and expertise in working with a wide range of sensors, microcontrollers, peripheral interfaces, wireless and wired modes of communication, internet protocols, actuators, displays and modes of storage. We analyse the client requirements and build products and custom IoT solutions.