Valida P.


Here’s the short summary of the exciting things we’ve done for the last 13 months:

Exploded (Brought 100+ customers for less than $3 each) For 7 Businesses Through Lead Generation Sales Funnel:

1 Herbalife Wellness Club
2 Crossfit Gyms
1 Chiropractor Service
2 Car Dealerships
1 Dentist

Generated Over 250% ROI Through FB Ads For 8 Businesses

2 Print-on-Demand Shopify Stores
1 Fiction Writer
1 High-end Jeweler
1 Shopify App
2 Entrepreneur/Coach
1 Spa
1 Restaurant

Got Over 40% Open Rate and 10% Click-through Rate For 5 Email Marketing Clients:

2 Internet Entrepreneurs
2 Real Estate Agents
1 Art Gallery


If you have a good product or service that makes people’s lives better, message us for a consultation.

To Your Success,
Valida Pantsulaia
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