Vantage ITeS

Vantage ITeS
Vantage is the greater perspective that comes from soaring above the masses – always with an eye on the target. Our symbol, the Haliaeetus Leucocephalus, otherwise known as the bald eagle, is an incredibly agile creature. Just like the bald eagle, we help clients suddenly change course, double back or dive – even in mid-flight or marketing campaign. Together, we can navigate complex business ecosystems to conquer some of the most challenging brand problems.
Unlike our regal symbol, the origins of Vantage ITeS Consulting origins were humble. Starting with a tiny account creating technical documents for a training company, we grew from sole provider to brand consultant to a fluid agency with multiple clients across three different continents. As a tribute to our grassroots origins, we take on clients out of interest in their complex marketing problems – regardless of their account size.
I am Ushma Naik. Welcome to Vantage.