

WhiteKube is a Digital Marketing Consulting company that works towards providing tailor-made solutions to achieve our clients goals – be it brand, sales, leads, downloads, clicks and/or views. PROVIDE VALUE WHATEVER THE INDUSTRY WhiteKube works with several companies within several industries – each business has its objectives to achieve and we are here to help them reach those goals through Digital. Examples: Baking, Financial Markets, Tourism, Technology/Security, Sports, Fashion & Apparel, Ecommerce, among others. WHAT DO WE DO? Our work as a company is focused on providing a service of excellence and value to our customers, enabling them to boost their objectives. Given this, we work within 3 lines: Consulting Our focus is to “lend” our knowledge, helping our clients to think about their challenges and to provide structured and actionable solutions. 360º Consultant Where we integrate our client’s team, allocating an experienced consultant, during a specific amount of time each month, to work all digital marketing areas of our client’s business and interest, without limitations, as if he/she was an extra element in our client’s own team, adding value and knowledge, as an added-value to the existing structure and/or partners. Digital as a Service Where we provide services within various digital marketing areas, focusing our work in a specific approach on an execution level. • Digital Strategy (ex: Digital Marketing Strategy, Market Analysis, Product Analysis); • Data Analytics (Google Analytics, Data Studio, CRM, C-Rate Optimization, Heatmaps); • Online Advertising (ex: Google, Bing, Yahoo, Youtube, Re-Marketing, Programmatics, Affiliation); • Design and Development (ex: Website, Landing Page, Marketing Automation, Creatives, Video); • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter); • SEO (ex: On Site, Off Site, Monitoring); • Shopping (ex: Google Shopping, Amazon Shopping, Google Merchant Center, Feed Management); • UX/UI (ex: Optimizations, A/B Testing, Site Speed & Performance, Mobile optimization).