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Connect your apps and automate workflows
Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
Link your web apps with a few clicks, so they can share data
Pass info between your apps with workflows called Zaps
Build processes faster and get more done—no code required
Zaps connect the apps you use every day
Thick line connecting two apps
Thick line connecting two apps
When I get a new email in Gmail
Copy the attachment from Gmail to Dropbox
Alert me in Slack about the new Dropbox file
Start workflows from any app
Pick a trigger that sets your Zap into motion.
Finish routine tasks automatically
Zaps complete actions, while you solve more important problems.
Simple, fill-in-the-blank setup
Point, click, automate. Go from idea to workflow in minutes.
Anyone can build workflows with a few clicks
Our editor was made for do-it-yourself automation. Set up Zaps without developer help.
Flexible plans that fit your needs
Free forever
Start with the basics as long as you need. Grab free tools that help you do more with your most-used apps.