A Domain Migration Checklist And Ultimate Google Data Studio Dashboard

A Domain Migration Checklist And Ultimate Google Data Studio Dashboard
A Domain Migration Checklist And Ultimate Google Data Studio Dashboard
Migrations might not be easy. But if you have all the right things in place, you can mitigate risks. Moreover, you should have a way to quickly analyze how your domain migration went. And this is exactly what I’m going to show you today.
I’ll share a quick domain migration checklist that you can download and then I’ll share the Data Studio Dashboard for domain migration analysis.
I’m also thankful to the official Google Analytics account for sharing this post on Twitter:
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Table of Contents
An SEO Checklist for Domain Migration
1. Map up The Old URLs to the New URLs
2. Set up 301 Redirects from the Old URLs to the New URLs
3. All 301 Redirects Should Point to The Canonical URLs on the Domain You’re Migrating to
4. Set up Internal Links on the New Domain to Reflect the Changes
5. Additional Things to Do for a Domain Migration
A Few Words About the Change of Address Tool
An Ultimate Google Data Studio Dashboard to Track Domain Migration
Dashboard Overview
Date Ranges
Old Website Impressions/ New Website Impressions
Both Websites Impressions
Old Website Clicks/ New Website Clicks
Both Websites Clicks
Both Websites Traffic
Old Website Queries/ New Website Queries
Old Website Queries/ New Website Landing Pages
How to use the Domain Migration Analysis Dashboard
Back to You
Wait! Here is more:
An SEO Checklist for Domain Migration
This is going to be a checklist with the main steps that you will need to take during a domain migration. If all of them are done right, your migration will be successful.