Digital Marketing with Viral Social Contests and Giveaways

Digital Marketing with Viral Social Contests and Giveaways

Digital Marketing with Viral Social Contests and Giveaways


from $13.99


Digital Marketing with Viral Social Contests and Giveaways

Become a Digital Marketing Jedi by Creating Viral Social Contest and Giveaway Marketing Promotions.

What you’ll learn

  • You Will Possess Awesomeness at Creating Efficient Contests
  • You Will Be Fully Awesome at Creating Superb ‘Giveaway’ Promotions
  • You Will Gain Mad Jedi Powers Deploying Contests and Promotions to the World
  • You’ll Concretely Track (and be able to report) the Results of Contests and Promotions
  • You Will Be Able To Effectively Continue your Conversation with New Leads
  • You Will KNOW How to Create and Run Elegant Ads That Can Make Your Contests and Giveaways Go Viral.


  • We cover exactly how to create superb Digital Marketing Sweepstakes Contests and Giveaway Campaigns, step by step.
  • Digital Marketing tools, technologies, techniques – every last thing we did and everything you should do, blow-by-blow do yield the most effective campaign(s) you’ll ever run.
  • We’ll guide you through the creation of Giveaways and Contests that are built from the ground up to go viral, to lower your cost-per-customer-acquisition, and to spread your digital marketing message far and wide.

Who this course is for: