Marketing Automation Made Easy

Marketing Automation Made Easy
Marketing Automation Made Easy
Maybe you’re considering adding a Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) to your tech stack. Maybe you already have, and maybe you understand how the technology itself works generally, but you’re unclear how to best make it work for you and your business. Or perhaps you’re using it regularly but are not one of the 10% of marketers who’d rate their use of automation as “heck-yes effective.”
“Wait. Just 10%?”
Yes. Every year, more companies license marketing automation platforms. Every year, more marketers also realize that implementing an automated campaign effectively using that MAP isn’t so easy, and they’re not sure how to do it right. Or maybe they aren’t squeezing all the value they could out of their MAPs.
If this sounds like you, we got you covered. Putting in the hard work early really will save you time. Doing so will allow you to create more personalized experiences. And it will bring you far better results later. Isn’t that the promise of any automated system, after all?
Introducing Marketing Automation Made Easy.
With 12 video lessons, plus additional tools and handouts, Marketing Automation Made Easy is designed to teach you what goes into the best automated campaigns. It shows you how to execute them the right way, so that you can market to your leads with the right message at just the right time, no matter their persona or stage of the buying journey.
You’ll learn how set up your automated campaigns, from choosing the right objectives, to planning each campaign element, to measuring and optimizing your results.
So, roll up your sleeves with us—we’ve got work to do. Your marketing isn’t going to automate itself!
1 Select specific marketing objectives for each campaign, with the goal of moving leads through your sales funnel
2 Implement Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) best practices and formalize campaign documents
3 Pinpoint internal and external team members to help drive campaign success
4 Leverage your MAP alongside other elements of your marketing technology stack to increase efficiencies, including data management and email deliverability
5 Create an optimization plan that identifies what you will be testing and connecting that metric to a particular campaign variable