Keyword research training

Keyword research training

Keyword research training


from $499
  • Annual
  • Free Trial


Keyword research training
Online training to find out what words your audience uses to find you
Find out how to rank top 3 for your most effective keywords
Get advice from world-renowned SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson
What will I learn?
Rank top 3 for the keywords people use to find you

After this training…

You’ll have a complete keyword list, ready to go!
You’ll know what keywords your audience uses to find you
You’ll optimize for the keywords you have the best chances of ranking top 3 with
You’ll be able to analyze keyword data and fine-tune your strategy

And you’ll be able to reap the rewards, by…

Improving traffic, sales and user satisfaction
Using keywords that are most likely to drive sales or newsletter signups
Identifying golden opportunities your competition hasn’t thought of yet
Finding a niche within your market and stand out from your competition
Working towards ranking for the top keywords in your market and taking traffic away from your competition
What is included in this Keyword research training?

You’ll get full access to everything we’ve found out about Keyword research throughout the years, plus loads of other SEO topics to boot!

9 SEO courses, including Keyword research, SEO copywriting and Site structure
2.5 hours of instructional videos on keyword research
Including 5 screencasts which show you exactly what to do
Quizzes to train what you’ve learned
Build your own keyword list in four simple steps!
PDF files so you can easily check the tips again while working on your website
Certificate & badge to show on your website, resume, or LinkedIn profile
Access for 1 whole year