Marketing Matchmaking:Selecting the Right Influencers for Your Audience

Marketing Matchmaking:Selecting the Right Influencers for Your Audience

Marketing Matchmaking:Selecting the Right Influencers for Your Audience


from $595


Marketing Matchmaking:Selecting the Right Influencers for Your Audience

Matchmaking is alive and well—and not just on reality TV. But finding the right influencers to engage and motivate your audience takes time, effort, and likely a few new steps you’ve yet to master. The good news is, once you’ve identified possible connections, you’re on your way to fulfilling results. Get ready to swipe right.


Influencer marketing isn’t new. But the pressure to use (and succeed at) today’s word-of-mouth tactic of choice is more intense than ever. You have to be proactive in identifying and making connections… that is, you have to be your own matchmaker.

But if you want your future campaigns to work well, you can’t just base your match criteria on popularity. Before you jump in too quickly and end up in “it’s complicated” status, you need to understand what actually motivates your audience. Only then can you identify potential partners that can influence them to take action.

That’s no easy task. But being your own matchmaker doesn’t mean you have to figure it out on your own… we’re here to help.

1 Create one or more personas for your influencer campaign
2 Identify and map influencers to your personas’ topic of interest
3 Understand what motivates your personas to share content online