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Impossible Is Not a Word
When You OWN Topics,
Not Keywords
The 10X topic authority course is the blueprint for content marketers who want to dominate their niche

Say Goodbye to Random Acts of Content that Don’t Drive Results
You’ve been obsessing over your money keywords. Worried about how to jump past your competitors in ranking for those valuable phrases that leads to a purchase. You’ve watched from the sidelines as they bragged about their traffic numbers, engagement levels and lead generation.

But you’re afraid to ask the big question… how the heck are they ranking for so many keywords?

In a bid to catchup, you’ve copied their strategy, writing random articles, and pressuring your team to crank out more content because you believe it will do the trick.

Not surprisingly, it doesn’t work because:

Mismatched pieces of blog posts are not a strategy
A 5k guide is not a strategy
Cranking out five blog posts a week is not a strategy
Get the Course Now

10x Topic Authority Is The Holistic Approach to Content Marketing
A topic cluster is how brands like HubSpot built authority around massive keywords like ‘inbound marketing’.

It’s how marketers create content that leads the user from the point of entry in the buyer journey until they’re ready to make a purchase.

Rather than ranking for one keyword, you’re adopting a holistic approach to own the topic and rank for most of the key phrases related to your primary keyword.

Done right, a topic cluster helps you to plug holes in your content strategy, connect the dots in you funnel and lead users organically through the sales funnel with helpful content.

What You’ll Learn in the 10x Topic Authority Course
Lesson 1
What is a topic cluster and why do you need one?
Before deep diving into building topic clusters, this introductory video explains what is a topic cluster using examples of popular models to simplify key terms. You’ll also learn the basic principles of using topic clusters to stay top of your buyer’s mind and close content gaps.

Lesson 2
Doing the research for a topic cluster
Research is the first and most important step of building a holistic topic cluster.
Learn how to map content to the stage of the buyer’s journey, conduct keyword/competitive research, perform content audit and use Google tools for deeper insight.

Lesson 3
Using SEO tools to build your cluster
Tools are the life blood of every great SEO and content marketing strategy.
You’ll learn how to extract data from SEMrush, Keywords Everywhere and other resources to help you gather data for your cluster.

Lesson 4
What should go into your cluster?
You’ve got the data, now it’s time to build the cluster. This video shows you which rows and columns to have in your topic cluster and how to fill it up with data based on search intent and your ideal buyer.

Lesson 5
Build a cluster with me
Rather than give you a sample template and leave you to your own devices, I’m building a cluster from scratch in this video. You’ll understand what influences my decision making when adding topics and keywords to the cluster.

Lesson 6
How to create an SEO content outline
In this video, I picked a topic from the sample cluster and walk you through the process of creating a thorough SEO content brief that satisfies search intent and is optimized to rank.

Lesson 7
Measuring the success of your topic cluster
Tracking and measuring results helps you know what’s working or needs fixing. In this video, I’ll show you how to use tools like SEMrush, Keywords Everywhere, Buzzsumo, Google Analytics and Search Console to track and measure the performance of your topic cluster.

Three Bonus Resources
Bonus 1
A topic cluster template to help you implement everything you’ve learned

Bonus 2
The rate sheet I used to sell my first cluster for $1,000 so you can recover your money fast!

Bonus 3
How To Sell Topic Clusters
Topic clusters is not a conversation that comes up when content marketers or writers are speaking with clients. Since I want you to recoup every penny you’ve spent on this training, I’m going to show you two simple things I do to sell topic clusters.

PS: I sold my first cluster for $1,000, which means you’ll recoup your investment if you sell your first cluster at the same price!


This is What Happens When You
Take the 10X Topic Authority Course
Close content gaps in your sales funnel
Watch your traffic quadruple as you rank for relevant keywords you weren’t even targeting
Move your readers faster through your sales funnel with the right content
Become an easily recognizable brand name in your industry
Get invited to more podcasts, webinars and speaking engagement as a direct result of authority building
Enjoy higher conversion rate when your readers take action
Switch from obsessing over keywords and search volume to creating helpful content that drives measurable results
Link building is easier with more features and interview requests than you can handle
Never run out of social media content with a ton of repurposed content waiting to go live
Build Authority as an SEO Strategist and Permanently Increase Your Rates

“If you’re a business owner with a blog, invest in Chima’s course so you don’t have to waste your time guessing at what content to create.

If you’re a content writer, use Chima’s course to differentiate yourself from the rest, build authority as an SEO strategist and permanently increase your rates.“

Anna Bolton
Conversion Copywriter and Founder of Conversion Copy Co

Who Should Take This Topic Cluster Training?

Heads of content teams frustrated
with their lack of results

Ambitious content marketers that
want to own topics, not just rank
for a keyword

Content marketers looking for a
new way to create content that delivers results

Content leads who have a genuine
desire to help their audience solve

10% of All Profit Will Be Donated to The
Freelance Coalition for Developing Countries
The freelance coalition for developing countries is a project for freelancers living in
developing countries. The goal is to bridge the gap in skill and earning between:
Freelancers in developed countries who donate time and resources and
Freelancers in developing countries who receive the donation to upskill and start
charging their worth.

When you buy this course, you’re also giving back to empower freelancers who can’t pay for expensive
programs or get the skills they need to grow a freelance business.