How to Promote Your Blog: 21 NEW Strategies

How to Promote Your Blog: 21 NEW Strategies

In today’s post I’m going to show you exactly how to promote your blog.

In fact:

These are the same strategies that I used to grow my blog to 449,759 monthly visits:

Backlinko blog – Monthly traffic
Let’s dive right in.

1. Guest Post Bonuses
2. Publish Data-Driven Content
3. Update and Upgrade Old Content
4. LinkedIn Syndication
5. Facebook Boosted Posts (With Retargeting)
6. The Super Simple Newsletter
7. Cross-Pollinate Your Audience
8. Collab With Other Blogs
9. Super Personalized Outreach
10. Eye-Catching Social Media Images
11. Turn Blog Content Into YouTube Videos
12. Reply to Every Single Comment
13. Write Blog Posts on NEW Topics
14. Podcast Bonuses
15. Speak at Events
16. Publish Posts at The Right Time
17. Leave Super Helpful Comments on Other Blogs
18. Create a Blog Alliance
19. Reader Case Studies
20. Create Cool Visuals, Charts, and Images
21. Double Down On List Posts
Bonus #1: Start List Posts With Your Most Unique Tip
Bonus #2: Add Tweetable Quotes To Your Content