Amanda H.


I held my breath as I stepped off the bus. It was my first day at my new school … in Japan.

I was only 15, and it was my first time out of the US. I didn’t know it at the time, but this would become a defining moment in my life that would forever shape the way I see the world.

A girl with long, black hair jumped out of the bus behind me. It was Kana, a girl from my school I had met a week before. “Do you want me to walk you to class?” she said.

I was grateful to have one familiar face in a sea of strangers. She led me to my classroom, and after I gave a short greeting (in broken Japanese, no less), I sat down in my seat.

I looked around the room as the other students laughed and talked about their new classmate, the only American in the whole school. They were flirting and telling jokes and stuffing food into their mouths before class began.

And it was in this moment, that this 15-year-old who knew nothing about the world beyond her own home, made a startling discovery.

“They’re just like me!”

This might sound crazy to you, but to me, it was a revelation. I had always imagined that the kids on the other side of the world would be completely different. They would talk differently, have different interests, and be the opposite of whatever it was that I thought was normal.

But none of that was true. At their core, they were just like my friends back home.

This was a lesson that has stuck with me ever since. It defines my work as a copywriter: We are all the same, deep down, and we operate out of the same desires.

The reason why people choose any brand, product, or service boils down to the same things: desire for safety, desire to belong, desire for status, and so on…

Now let me ask you: What made you read this far into my profile? I haven’t mentioned my qualifications or what I do yet. I haven’t launched into a sales pitch to get you to hire me. Why is that?

Because I started with a story. Stories grab attention. Once you get started, you have to know how it ends. And that’s not all.

Stories also:
– Help us relate: We feel closer to a person when we hear their stories
– Help us remember: Much of human history was preserved just by being told and retold in stories
– Make us care: People are more likely to take a stand on an issue if they hear the story of someone affected by it

You can’t match the power of a good story behind your brand or your product. This is what makes brands like Nike, Amazon, and Apple great.

Nike’s story isn’t about an athletics wear store. It’s about a champion of the strong, of the people who don’t make excuses.

Amazon’s story isn’t about a huge warehouse. It’s about a caring companion who brings families closer, sparks romance, and helps friends make special memories together. And you can do this too.

Your story can win the hearts of your customers. It can keep them thinking of your product long after they leave your website. And it can help people make the decision to buy.

Like my previous client, J., whose story of watching the women in his family fall into bad health propelled him to open a fitness coaching program to help women over 40 live strong and healthy lives.

The story we wrote resonated with his customers and he sold $9000 worth of coaching packages with just one email.

I want to help you do this, too. Let me help you find, develop, and use your stories to strengthen your brand and make people fall in love with your products.

Get in touch now by pressing “Invite to Job.” If you don’t have a project in mind yet, that’s okay. You can click “Save” to bookmark this profile for later.

Here’s what clients are saying:

“Amanda is my go-to for copy and content development.”

“Amazing human and great work. I have already contracted her to complete all of my web content.”

“Fantastic professional. She truly is a great asset to my brand development team.”

My schedule fills up fast, so click the “Invite to Job” button now to save a slot for your project.

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