Graphic Artist / Layout Artist / Illustrator

Graphic Artist / Layout Artist / Illustrator

Graphic Artist / Layout Artist / Illustrator


Hello, I am Oxtkr Kcjl Oszpño, a Graduate of Fine Arts, Major in Advertising. I may not be one of the best in our class, but i have with me my skills, academic training and essential experience for the past eight years of working.

From my first job experience, I was a graphic artist from a local known Metal designing company. I was the one responsible of making and designing the product they offer, I gained a lot of experience using the applications such as Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. After a year of working as a graphic artist, on that same company, I was offered for a training for the Software called ArtCam and a Large format UV Printer, got promoted to be a 3D Designer leading a team of 6 people, 3 Graphic Designer/3D Artist, 2 CNC Machine Operator and 1 UV Printer Operator.

After few years of working on a Metal Industry, I moved on to another local known company, a Newspaper Publishing company, where in I do a lot of layouts for Newspapers and Magazine using Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. I also make drawing and digital drawing for newspaper pages. I got promoted and transfer to another section a few times since I was hired and received a lot of training such as Prepress software, 3D, Video Editing and AffterEffects

Aside from that two company I experienced with, I am also an On-Call graphic designer of a local restaurant in the City, where I make designs for the restaurant’s marketing materials such as posters, calling cards, promotions, Shirt or uniform. etc.

I also had small part time such as, T-shirt printing, Mural Painting logo designing and etc.