Verso Advertising

Verso Advertising
Founded in 1989, Verso Advertising has built its reputation on successfully helping publishers market their books. Led by veterans of the book advertising industry and complemented by a young, talented staff drawn primarily from publishing and the arts, the agency has a current client list of more than thirty trade and academic accounts, including some of the most distinguished names in publishing.
With over thirty years of experience focused on book publishing, we know what it takes to successfully bring books to today’s marketplace. Our strengths include:
Timely, innovative, and cost-effective marketing plans
Exceptional creative
Reader targeting
Deep experience across all paid media platforms: print, broadcast, outdoor, and digital
Proficiency in the latest digital best practices, from programmatic to native to influencer marketing
Detailed reporting and campaign review
Strong relationships with leading ad tech vendors
Branding and image-building that works
Hands-on knowledge of the full business of book publishing
Open access to top management for direction and advice