Victoria D.


Hello! My name is Tori and I have been working in digital marketing for seven years. I’ve had opportunities both in freelancing and employment to work on a variety of tasks.

My core skills include: ‘
-Writing and editing content (blogs, emails, web pages, landing pages, articles, social media posts)
-Making SEO-friendly blog posts with keywords and links
-Developing social media strategies based on target audience
-Viral content (more info below)
-Growing accounts organically
-Creating email campaigns
-Basic video and graphics editing (Final Cut Pro, Affinity Photo, Canva,
-Community management

Early in my career, my primary clients were influencers and my work focused heavily on viral content creation (organic viral – not paid) and community management. Through this I have grown a YouTuber’s Facebook account from 400,000 to 2.3 million followers and lead their page to obtain highs of 250 million weekly reach.

More recently, I’ve worked for both a web design company and a digital marketing business, both of which had me creating and managing various types of content for their clients. For clients of the web design company I developed full social media strategies, created weekly content calendars, and managed a blog writer and graphic designer.

While working with the digital marketing business I was able to participate in a wide variety of tasks for our clients. I wrote blogs for B2B and B2C clients, worked with web designers to optimize landing pages, edited web content, managed multiple social media accounts and created the content, wrote sales and newsletter emails, wrote reports on Google Ads results, and created promotional materials.

I’m always looking to learn new skills and generally pick up new tools/software quickly, so if you’re open to me learning something you need done that I lack experience in I would love the opportunity!

Freelancing has made me efficient at working with clients on busy and irregular schedules, across different time zones, on limited time, and with minimal guidance. I’m a self-starter and work well on my own or as part of a team.

I’m willing to provide additional information as needed or have a meeting to determine if I’d be a good fit for your business. Looking forward to working with you!