Google Discover Takeout Parser

Google Discover Takeout Parser
- Free
After exporting your Discover activities with Google Data takeout, you can process the data here to get a more useable format.
The data will be processed in your browser and not uploaded to a server or shared with anyone. You can save your data as csv or excel file for further investigation. The JSON file will be read and it will attempt to aggregate the data by entities so you can sort the entities by occurance.
How to export your Google Discover profile history
1. Go to Google Takeout (important: english export needed)
2. scroll to the “Create a new export” section
3. click “Deselect all” and only select “My Activity”
– select only My Activity
4. click “multiple formats” and select “JSON” instead of “HTML”
– change to JSON
5. click OK to return and click “All activity data included”
6. “Deselect all” and select “Discover” only
– select only Discover
7. click OK to return and scroll to the buttom of the page
8. click on “next”
9. keep the default settings (export once, file type zip and 2 GB)
10. click “create export” and wait for the export
11. download the zip file and extract (open) it
12. go to the folder Takeout > My Activity > Discover
13. drag and drop the file MyActivity.json to the drop-area above