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The next-gen Web and EPUB Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox®

Version 3.1 released 2019-oct-14.


« My HTML Editor is BlueGriffon, an intuitive, modern and robust application.
I like that what I see is what I get on the Web. »
Jeff Jaffe, CEO of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

« The HTML Editor I’m Using Today? BlueGriffon »
Nick Longo, author of CoffeeCup, the very first HTML Editor

« Dear @BlueGriffonApp , you saved my a$$ once again »
Tristan Nitot, former President of Mozilla Europe

What’s inside?
BlueGriffon® has a long list of famous ancestors and proudly inherits from all of them: Netscape®, Mozilla® Composer and Nvu. It is powered by Gecko, the same rendering engine you can find at the heart of Firefox®, and is filled with tons of powerful features:


license Basic
license EPUB
Native standalone Windows, MacOS X and Linux app supported supported supported
Black and Light themes supported supported supported
HTML 4 supported
supported supported
XHTML 1.0 supported supported supported
XHTML 1.1 supported supported supported
html 5 (html) including audio, video and forms supported supported supported
html 5 (xml) including audio, video and forms supported supported supported
copy/paste between all flavors of html supported supported supported
OCR supported supported supported
Responsive Design
supported supported
CSS 3 including 2D and 3D Transformations, Transitions, Shadows, Columns, Font Features and more supported supported supported
CSS Variables supported supported supported
CSS Grids supported supported supported
SVG supported supported supported
Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 supported supported supported
WAI-ARIA 1.1 supported supported supported
DPUB-ARIA 1.0 supported supported supported
Opquast® Accessibility First Step supported supported supported
Wysiwyg Authoring supported supported supported
Editable source view supported supported supported
Editable @media print view supported supported supported
Dual View (Source + Wysiwyg in sync) supported supported supported
User Interface in 20 languages supported supported supported
Modifyable menu and button keyboard shortcuts supported supported supported
Style Properties panel supported supported supported
DOM Explorer panel supported supported supported
Script Editor panel supported supported supported
Stylesheets Manager panel supported supported supported
Table of Contents with one-click update supported supported supported
Markdown support supported supported supported
FontSquirrel font manager supported supported supported
Google Fonts font manager supported supported supported
User’s Manual
supported supported

EPUB 3.0.1

EPUB 3.1

full metadata editing support for EPUB 2, 3 and 3.1

copy/paste between EPUB and all flavors of html

Fullscreen mode
supported supported
CSS Editor Pro with Media Queries, CSS Variables and even a visual CSS Selector editor!

supported supported
Table Layout Manager with 44 predefined layouts, all strictly CSS-based
supported supported
Toolkit Manager for one-click insertion of multiple JavaScript/CSS files
supported supported
MathML Editor panel (based on ASCIIMathML)
supported supported
Code Snippets panel
supported supported
One-Click Templates Manager with ~2,500 free templates

supported supported
Mobile Viewer
supported supported
EyeDropper, a colorpicker allowing to select a color from anywhere on screen(s) (Windows and Linux only)
supported supported
PUTter, to publish a document and the local resources attached to that document through HTTP PUT
supported supported
Thumbnail manager
supported supported
Word count warnings
supported supported
Project Manager
supported supported
BlueGriffon® is used by millions of users around the world, including Universities, Governments and even the European Parliament. It is officially recommended by the French Government as the Web Authoring Tool for the French Administration in its effort to rely on and promote Free Software (Socle Interministériel de Logiciels Libres).